Friday, March 12, 2010

Rocks in the River

Here's the truth about white water rafting:

  • The rocks are already in the river
  • The water will barely notice your raft.
That said, there are things you can control (or at least influence):
  •  You get to choose the river and when you take the trip.
  •  You get to choose what you do to get ready.
  •  You can invite others, but they can say yes or no.
  •  You get some choice over the raft and the guide.
Life is a lot like that:
  • The rocks are already in the river. Problems will show up, and most of them will be at least partly visible in advance.
  • The water will barely notice your raft. Most of what you do is not going to be noticed by the rest of the world.
  • You get to choose the river and when you take the trip. When you make a choice, you enter a river. Big choice, big river.
  • You get to choose what you do to get ready. There is no substitute for preparation and planning.
  • You can invite others, but they can say yes or no.
  • You get some choice over the raft and the guide. Look for a good mentor before you launch the boat.
Either way, the point is to enjoy the ride.


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